


Policy and Research

Putting, and keeping you, ahead of the curve is a central tenet of why we’re here.

Rigorous research takes time.

It’s not just about knowing where to go for the policies, papers and stats.

It’s knowing the questions to ask and how to interpret what’s found.

91% of Local Authorities choose us because they appreciate the reassurance of knowing they have the national picture and best practice.

Here’s a snapshot of some of our policy and research services.

Investigating cost and funding issues relating to government policy proposals, including for DCLG, DHSC, DfE, DWP and DEFRA

Preparing the evidence base and establishing a financial case for special interest groups and individual authorities, to assist in lobbying

Programme evaluation and cost-benefit analysis

Carrying out large-scale surveys, quantitative analysis, qualitative interviews, developing case studies and facilitating stakeholder workshops

LG Futures led work for the Department of Health and Social Care, partnering with the Personal Social Services Research Unit, to devise tools, collect data and quality assure the largest ever dataset for the review of the Adult Social Care Relative Needs Formula. This consisted of detailed small area data from over 50 councils and a national survey of 13,000 care homes.

Jonathan White,
Economic Adviser, Department of Health and Social Care